Saturday, May 31, 2008

SFOTE Cut/Break Reception

Music by Young Tiger

Local impresario Everard has been working round the clock to fund an organization that helps poor kids in Trinidad get to school everyday. Since he grew up surfing on the island, he figured no better cross cultural pollinatory opportunity than to bring the surfing community and the New York philanthropic high-class together to get the job done. The artwork of Martyn Thompson, Chris Gentile, and Joe Curren, as well as screenings of short films by directors Richard Kenvin, Britton Caillouette and Jakob Daschek were on hand for auction and the artists themselves made the long and short treks to be there to represent.
It was pretty bizarre, but super fun night. While surfers are somewhat used to rubbing elbows with the Hollywood elite, the whole Fashion/Wall Street crowd that New York has to offer is a bit different exercise. Indeed, some of the bigger names (in surfing) decided it might be best to hole up in a corner with a cold beer while the Zac Posens, Larry Wohls, and As Fours made the cheek kissing rounds. (In fact, I couldn't find them until the next night.)
I am pretty sure everyone was better for the interaction though.
And there are few better causes.
Obviously, I was a few Mint Julips in when I started filming, but you'll get the idea...


Anonymous said...

What the f$%k is a mint julip?

Anonymous said...

Google it, and introduce all your Aussie friends!
Not that they need more to drink.